Yo! I'm Liquorice, hard working lewd animator by night.
Follow me on Twitter to see WIP's and other lewds!
Check my patreon for exclusive tiers!

Age 31


Joined on 7/26/18

Exp Points:
5,581 / 5,880
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Vote Power:
6.47 votes
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Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
5y 7m 12d

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I've set up my NSFW page, but also Patreon to be able to live off of making animations for you guys. I've been doing this since 2018-ish with my own savings basically, and have had a lot of fun doing so as well gaining experience as an artist overall. That said, eventhough I tried multiple ways of sustaining my page, it's a rough year for animation projects to freelance and financially I've been put into a chokehold (heh). I've been forced to look further than my art page for financial stability which I have found, but the caviat is that I'm not going to be able to make any content for you guys anymore for at least the forseeable future (as of next month).

What about ongoing projects?

I've finished up my last commission piece which will be releasing soon. After that we still have 'Beat in Heat' laying around. I would LOVE to spend time on it in my spare time to be able to finish it in the future, but I'm not sure how viable that is due to my fulltime work. Without any big promises, I want to say I'll try and at least finish 'Beat in Heat', but I'll also have to remain realistic that it won't be any time soon, if at all. But that's something I'll have to come to face as soon as I'm working. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop if anything happens. 

What about Patreon?

The main idea of Patreon was to work as a tipping system, but also finally as a system that would allow me to make what I need to work on animations for you guys full time, like I stated before. I've been fighting with trying to figure out what to do with Patreon because I still potentially have things to deliver to you guys, however don't feel right taking your money on a monthly basis. So what I've decided on is that I'm keeping my Patreon open for now, but keep pausing future billing cycles until I'm sure what is going to happen with 'Beat in Heat'. This way the people on Patreon are still going to be receiving early access for the commission I'm currently finishing up and whatever 'Beat in Heat' content I can push out, but don't have to pay extra for it. People are still able to join Patreon for this perk, but I'm going to make clear on my Patreon page I'm basically on hiatus. Once it's clear if 'Beat in Heat' is possible to finish or not I'll deactivate my page after public release or cancellation of the project.

What are you going to do?

I'll be working at a videogame company as senior animator! I'm sure I'll be sharing progress and stuff like that, at least on my SFW account, but maybe on my NSFW as well (Twitter). Keep an eye open there if you're interested. 

Final words.

I've enjoyed these last 5 years of making content for you guys. Met a bunch of wonderful artists, voice actors/actresses as well as fans (fans? feels weird to say, maybe not the right word.). For the same amount of money I'll be able to make some art on the side for my profile, so I don't fully expect to "never post on my socials" anymore. I wish I was able to continue doing this for you guys until whenever, but unfortunately finances remain important. I'm happy with what I found, but will miss sharing my (especially crowdfunded) works with all y'all.  

Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for liking my stuff and especially liking my stuff enough you wanted to financially support me. I'm going to do my best to finish 'Beat in Heat' and really wish to be able to do so, but until then I want to say I appreciate all of you who have been with me up until now. I'm glad I have been able to do this for as long as I have.



Patreon isn't able to financially support me enough, so I had to look for fulltime work. This means I won't be able to work on NSFW works anymore, however I'll try and finish 'Beat in Heat' if I can. Patreon remains active in case I'll be able to finish 'Beat in Heat', but billing will remain paused, so those who are members don't pay anything. Patreon will be shut down after finishing or cancelling the project. Will most likely still be posting small things on my socials. Thank you so much for being a part of my journey <3